Uh oh Google. Looks like you were caught with your pants down. Question is, you gonna pull them pants up while everyone is watching? Go ahead… scrub these results and prove conservatives right!
SEXY BASED GRANDMA JUDGE JEANINE WAS RIGHT, You cannot support the Constitution and Shariah law at the same time. THEY ARE INCOMPATIBLE. If Jeanine OR Tucker get booted from Fox, I’m going with them! Stop letting SJW cucks bully conservatives off the air! #1A #WeLoveJeanine
?BULLSHIT ALERT? – RINO Republicans are voting against the NATIONAL EMERGENCY DECLARATION and THE WALL saying they’re worried about Presidential abuse and working around congress. WHERE THE HELL WERE THEY WHEN BARRY SIGNED DACA⁉️
“…negotiate a reasonable surrender for his arrest”???? Where is the SWAT team, assault boats and CNN? Does a gay, black man not deserve the same treatment as a rich, white conservative? Systemic racism!!
PSA: r/Politics is removing Jessie Smollett news because FELONY criminal charges of a politically motivated false-flag hate crime set to smear and legislate against all conservatives is not political
If a Liberal from 1960 showed up in 2018, they would be considered a Conservative. If a Liberal from 2018 showed up in 1960, they would be considered a dangerous lunatic.
Jerome Corsi reveals his source for Clinton Emails and it is the now dead Republican researcher Peter Smith. Clinton body count +1.
CJ Pearson, a 16yo black conservative with -verified- account banned by Twitter. Reason given…users have to be 13yo.
Donald Trump Jr: WOW! Check out this AMAZING response from young black leaders! The largest ever gathering of young black conservative leaders!! Hey media, will you cover this? Why not? This is history! #MAGA @realDonaldTrump speaks to them tomorrow! [Video Link in Comments]
BREAKING: Michael Avenatti claims he received a 50 megaton nuke in the mail from republican terrorists
This is the group that worked with Facebook to fight “fake news”. They admitted in a leaked confidential memo they only wanted to censor right-wing sources for political purposes. They took credit for convincing Facebook to censor conservative sources.
In 8 years, President Obama had a net loss of 303,000 manufacturing jobs — In less than 2 years, @realDonaldTrump has created 378,000 manufacturing jobs. — Thats HUGE progress, and we cant let Democrats stop it! VOTE REPUBLICAN