For 3 years this dude called Russia, Russia, Russia legitimate news. Now calls FISA criminal investigation a conspiracy theory.
CRAZY… INSANE… FLASHBACK: Ilhan Omar wrote a letter to a US District Court judge calling for lighter sentences for ISIS recruits
The guy who ran the FBI for 12 years does not believe in the fundamental underpinning of American law. This should terrify everyone.
The Deep State is REAL, and it is -DIRECTLY- why we are living in the midst of the worse political scandal in our history. The Obama admin abused the NSA to SPY on his political adversary. This FACT comes to light more every day. This is the consequence of allowing the fedgov to SPY on us all.
Since POTUS did not collude with Russia, who did? Who got $145,000,000 from Russia for our Uranium? Whose’s husband collected $500,000 for a 1hr speech in Moscow? Who paid a British Spy to get dirt Trump from Russia? Answer: Hillary Clinton.
FITTON: WAKE UP! The Mueller special counsel fizzles out. Big victory for President Trump but who will be held to account for the abuses of power targeting him and the Comstitution! Will discuss this and more on Fox and Friends next hour!
Time magazine writer claims people born in 1989 “have never experienced American prosperity in our adult lives.” (So Obama didn’t fix things, huh?) Her solution: more socialism!
FITTON: Judicial Watch Sues for Rosenstein’s Coup Docs — Seeks Communications During Time of Comey Firing, Mueller Appointment
BREAKING: Lisa Page “essentially confirmed” in her testimony that the “insurance policy” that top FBI officials discussed was the Russia investigation
Jewish woman finds out she’s on a private list of people not welcome in Muslim controlled area. Kicked out of public conference in a public building. Where’s the social justice? Where are the feminists? Muslim Brotherhood Trojan Horse.
HUGE Update: Judicial Watch Uncovers DOJ Docs Showing Numerous Bruce Ohr Communications with Clinton/DNC’s Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele & Glenn Simpson; House Dems Harass President Trump; and JW sues to expose FISA abuse cover-up. Our latest Update!